Sonic Jam
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Category Saturn
Textures 2
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Comments 5
Sonic Jam
Sonic Jam
Console Genre Developers
Saturn Platformer Developer coming soon!
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Jun 24, 2023, 1:53 PM
Where can I find the texture of the clouds?
Dec 30, 2021, 2:15 AM
Not exactly. They are somewhat lower-poly and have a few texture issues. (I.e. Sonic's shoe buckle) It would be nice to have the actual Sonic Jam models for Sonic and Tails since Sonic Jam is a prototype of Sonic Adventure, so the way the Sonic Jam models handle animations may be similar to Sonic Adventure, which brings up a good mod idea for SADX on PC. Not to mention the fact that they are the perfect Saturn Sonic and Tails models.
Sep 1, 2021, 6:00 AM
Sonic R's models are more low poly than Sonic. And Sonics buckle is on the sides of his shoe not the top. Use the prototype Sonic R models, they're basically the same as the jam ones
Apr 26, 2021, 8:55 AM
Find the models at the PC/Computer section of Sonic R on The Models Resource.
Sonic R uses the same models as Sonic Jam. (well sonic and tails actually)
Feb 2, 2021, 11:40 PM
Wait, so people have extracted the textures for Sonic Jam but not the models for Sonic Jam? Interesting...
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